By Con George-Kotzabasis November 23, 2017
I’m hunting you Zizek, not to shoot you but to impound you, to pen you in a zoo, as the last extinct exotic species of neo-Marxism's bankruptcy, for display, to your admirers, the nipple-fed intellectuals, whom Lenin dubbed “useful idiots”, to be used, and I would add, in a Leninist useless philosophy. You are the Lehman Brothers of Philosophy. Easy come, easy go.
Unlike Einstein’s God who doesn’t play dice, you on the contrary, play dice with your Marxist philosophy. On one throw of the dice you stake millions of lives on your aleatory experiment of creating the perfect Communist society. To quote you from your book …Lost Causes, “Better a disaster of fidelity to the Event than a non-being of indifference towards the Event”. Thus the logic of this sentence is that either fidelity or indifference to the Event has an equal chance of being realised. Moreover, the indifferent would be truly in a state of “non-being”, as they would be ‘pogrommed’, eliminated by the faithful. Marxism is a tragic replay of the Spanish Inquisition. And you are its modern Grand Inquisitor. Indeed, Zizek, you are the “imperial wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan. (Not to speak of your colossal revisionism of Marxism; that the establishment of the Communist society is within the DNA of history and inevitable, the outcome of a natural law—nothing serendipitous about its materialisation-- as depicted by its great founder.)
Thus on your transcendental chiliastic disastrous faith toward the Marxist Eden, the die is cast.
Zizek, enjoy the rest of the day and don’t misuse it, as life is too short.