Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Political Bankruptcy of The New York Times Punditry

I’m republishing the following for the readers of this new blog.

By Con George-Kotzabasis

Michael O’Hanlon along with his colleague Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution, must be congratulated for their article in The New York Times which foreshadowed, after their visit in Iraq in the middle of 2007, that this might be a winnable war, brought the wrath of the Jupiterian New York Times liberal pundits to cast their bolts upon their heads for saying so.

But since the success of the surge—which I too adumbrated on December 2006 in an essay of mine titled “Blueprint for Victory In Iraq”, published in Australia on March 2007, would culminate in an American victory and make 2007 the Annus Mirabilis for president Bush—the liberal critics of the war like Frank Rich, Paul Krugman, and the vitriolic, but always charming, Maureen Dowd, not to mention others, have been stricken by Nemesis with the aphasia of muteness.  


Sunday, November 13, 2011

American Liberals Scared by their Own Made Ghosts

By Con George-Kotzabasis
“Scariest stories ever written about contemporary America” is the story that makes some of the political toddlers of America to run and cover themselves under their bed sheets. Sans political wisdom, sans political and historical insight, and hence, sans cognitive and intellectual legitimacy, they attempt to analyse the world shaking event of 9/11 and the Administration’s protagonists’ response to the crescent shaped  bolt that appeared over the blue sky of America with their childish fears. And for fear to be effective it must have its bogey ghosts. So we have Cheney, Addington, and Bolton wrapped up with white sheets in the middle of the night scaring the bejeesus out of the liberal intelligentsia with their nefarious schemes of “a massive expansion of presidential power” starting an “illegitimate war,” creating “a system for spying on American citizens...sanctioned torture”, and “pushed official secrecy to unprecedented levels.” The critics of Cheney, Addington, and Bolton never learning the abc and never reaching the omega of statecraft are shocked to see, and it’s beyond their comprehension, that in moments of national crises the expansion and concentration of presidential power is the sine qua non of strong political leadership and a necessary but temporary measure to protect a nation from malicious lethal enemies, both external and internal.
All the above measures that Clemons highlights were instigated by the Vice President solely for the protection of America. It was an unenviable task and it could only be performed by the strong in character. One must not forget that in hard times only the hard men/women prevail. And Cheney, Addington, and Bolton will be panoramic figures in American history for their political and strategic insight, strength of character, and their indefatigable efforts to shield the United States and the West from the fanatical irreconcilable enemies of Islam.